lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Decade 2000- 2010

This decade was a big step for the politics, in the EEUU was a big change, in 2008; Barack Obama was the first president of the White House that is a black person.

One of the most important things that happened in this decade was the assault to the World Trade Center (Twins Towers), in 11 September 2001, in this attack about 3000 persons died and another 6000 were injured.

In the world of music, the death of Michael Jackson (King of Pop) in 2009 was the most important event. In cinema, I had read that the best film was Gladiator (2000).

The most important inventions were most of the things related to the Internet like Wikipedia, a web with a lot of information, YouTube and things like that.

By the end, there were good and bad, difficult times for all. It was the era of the technology and the new things for the citizens. There were a lot of changes in the general life.

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

The class of today 24/09/14

I think that the class of today has been a little boring because we´re revising the things that we have learnt the others years and I know it because we  repeat it every years.

And I think that it so unfair the topic about the positive/negative because in my class I´m in the last sit and if the people is talking when the class finish and the teacher says the homework only the people that its in the first sits hear the homework.

And next day when the teacher asks for the homework, all of the people that aren´t on the first sit   don´t have all the homework because they didn´t hear it and the teacher puts negative to all.

And in my opinion this is so unfair.
To the rest of the class I think all its OK.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

My Summer ´14

My summer has been very boring, because I didn´t do any special. Some days I went to the beach, for example L´Azohia. I went to the swimming pool because I like it more than the beach.
 My family travelled to Barcelona but I didn´t go because they went to visit the family of my grandfather and they didn´t visit anything, only one day, and it was boring.
Also, in August, my cousin came from Santander to stay here for 2 week and it was so interesting because we went  to visit some sites of Cartagena.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Writting: review of a book.

“Buenos Días Princesa”

I´d like to recommend you a trilogy which I read last summer and winter. There are three books, “Buenos Dias princesa”,”No sonrías que me enamoro” and “¿Puedo soñar contigo?”.The author is Blue Jeans.

The principal theme of this book is love and the main characters are a group of friends called`el club de los incomprendidos´.The story is about the life and the things that happened to these six characters.

The things I like most is the way that the author keeps you in constant suspense because you can´t stop reading this books, and the story is so interesting. 

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

My formal letter


1st paragraph: I explain who I am and what I represent.

2nd paragraph: explain the problem of the highways in my city.

3rd: My organization wants to do a strike to improve the condition of the highway of my city.

Ángela Mellado

C/ Mulhacén nº28


Nueva Cartagena

C/ Picos de Europa nº7

Dear Sir o Madam,

I´m writing because I represent an organization of Nueva Cartagena. I´m writing to you because we are disappointed with the condition of the highway of our town.

In my opinion the condition of the highway is unacceptable, because the cars will be in a bad condition and the owners are going to be very angry. On the other hand, it´s dangerous for the security of all the cars and the persons who drives on it. For this reason, I think that it´s so important to have the highway in a good condition for the security and a lot of things more.

We have therefore decided to do a strike the 21th May to protest in the council of Cartagena. I´m writing you because I think you can help us with publicity or something like this. Maybe, we will protest a lot of times more if one strike is not enough.

Yours faithfully,

Ángela Mellado 

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

St Patrick´s Day

St Patrick´s day St Patrick's Day occurs on March 17 and is day to remember one of Ireland’s patron saints, St Patrick. It largely celebrates Irish-American culture in the United States, and the use of the color green is predominant. Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church, and his holy day is the day of his death, and subsequent entrance to heaven, rather than the day of his physical birth. After spending most of his adult life converting the pagans of Ireland to Christianity, St. Patrick went to his reward on March 17. St Patrick's Day celebrations concentrate on Irish themed parties, alcoholic drinks and food. People celebrating often dress in green clothing and may consume food and drink dyed green. One of the reasons that one wears green on St Patrick’s Day because the Catholic side of Ireland is identified with green, and St. Patrick is a Catholic Saint credited with converting the island in Christianity.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Almudena Cid´s biography

Almudena Cid Almudena Cid Tostado was born the 15th of June 1980 in Vitoria. She is a Spanish ex-rhythmic gymnastics. Her big break was when she has took part of the Spanish selection and she started there when she was 13 years old. She has participated in twelve European cups and nine world cups. She started in this sport when she was 7 years old in her school. Her first trainer was Iratxe Aurrekoetxea .She has competed in four Olympics games; she is the only gymnastic in the word that has competed in four Olympics finals. Since them, She has married with Christian Galvez, she is a very important gymnastic in the history of the Spanish rhythmic gymnastics. She has appeared in some TV programs in the lasts years.